Abbaye de Belloc Pyrenees

Abbaye 2

The Abbaye de Belloc Pyrenees is a sheep’s cheese with faint earthy tones. It has a Swiss Cheese-like texture, neither hard nor considerably soft. Pliable and easy to bite into. The mushroom notes fade in slowly and come delicately. This flavor is not overpowering in any sense. Very mild in presentation.

The Abbaye de Belloc Pyrenees is a difficult cheese to pair with, as the flavor is so subdued. Apples, grapes, or any fruit spread tends to over power it quite easily. It holds up the best when it is alone and the eater is able to appreciate its nuances and subtle character.

I enjoyed the Abbaye de Belloc Pyrenees cheese for its quiet nature. Some cheeses are very strong and demanding in their flavor profiles, but this cheese is comforting in its taciturnity.

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