Green Dragon Pearls

Green Dragon Pearls

The Green Dragon Pearls tea come in these large woven balls. Hence…pearls. The pearls are maybe the size of a quarter if it were a sphere. They are tightly put together and have a faint green/floral smell.

Regardless of steeped too long or not, the tea is bitter. Really bitter at times. Even with that bitterness, there’s a sort of grassy/floral note to it. Its main flavor, excluding the bitterness, is like that of a generic green tea. Kind of sencha like with the grassiness/green-ness? Maybe if the size of the pearls were smaller, I would like it more as it would not get so strong and bitter so quickly.

But it is what it is and so I am mildly disappointed by the Green Dragon Pearls. It was cool trying a tea that was molded into this type of pearl, and I like the concept, but the flavor just didn’t do it for me. Too bitter and yet lacking strong other flavor. Perhaps recommend for those looking for a stronger, portion-controlled tea? Otherwise I am not sure how to recommend this tea.