Mollies Delicious Apple

The Mollies Delicious Apple makes a statement with its name. It says it is going to be delicious. It says so right in its name. Mollies Delicious Apple. That is a large standard for it to set for itself. Being delicious is not something every apple can achieve. And it happens to fall very short. It is not very delicious.

Mollies Delicious 3

Yes, the Mollies Delicious Apple is crunchy and crispy. Juicy, too, but maybe a little too juicy if there can be such a thing. When I bit into a piece of it it almost felt like I had taken a sip of water along with it. I’m not sure how I feel about that much juice in an apple. If the flavor that came with it was pleasant, then maybe it would have worked better.

But the Mollies Delicious Apple doesn’t have a pleasant flavor, or much of any flavor, to be honest. It has a little tang in the beginning. And that is it. The tanginess just hides in the background, not really contributing much for the entire experience. It is really quite dull.

Mollies Delicious Apple 2

I wouldn’t recommend the Mollies Delicious unless you were using it in cooking. Could be good as an apple sauce or something, but I’d have to try that to be certain. It doesn’t have much potential has a dessert apple, but apples have more uses than just that so maybe the Mollies Delicious Apple realm of usefulness is somewhere else in the world of cooking and food.