Ooooh Darjeeling

Oooooh…this tea…. it’s so… okay, I’ll stop. Ooooh Darjeeling is an oolong from….Darjeeling, India. Who could have guessed? I can’t guess the reason for the ‘oooh’ part of the name. I suppose they were trying to give those the sense of awe and wonder before tasting it? Not sure. All I know is what I tasted.

Taste: It is a rather subtle oolong for sure. It’s lighter and more ‘floral’/sweeter in taste. This ‘Oooh Darjeeling’ is easy going. Not that heavy bodied but if steeped too long it will get slightly bitter—not at all bitter like heavier oolong or black teas.

I’ve never had a proper cup of Darjeeling so I can’t say how it compares to typical Darjeeling tea. All I know is this tea now and I can say I’m interested in trying the normal Darjeeling because of the flavors present in this tea.

I believe I would get this Ooooh Darjeeling because of that lightness. Sometimes teas that get too astringent upset my stomach. Even when this Oooh Darjeeling does it’s not that bad at all—I was able to tolerate it just fine. So I would recommend it for those seeking a lighter oolong.