Paesana Grilled Mushroom Mix Jar

Paesana Grilled Mushroom Mix

I’ve reviewed one of Paesana products before–their pickled Cauliflower mix. Paesana’s Grilled Mushroom Mix is fundamentally different from that so I was not sure what to expect. Looking at the jar, I was thinking this would be some sort of oily mushroom mix with some, I don’t know, strong grilled flavor with some other notes.

Mushrooms all packed in there…different shapes and sizes of chunks.

That was not the case. This mushroom mix really isn’t oily at all. It’s more watery than oily. Which is a pleasant surprise since I generally dislike oily things. The mushrooms themselves came in a variety of shapes and sizes.

Now for the flavor: well, they taste of mushrooms. No issue there and not shocking! They don’t carry a special flavor that I could tell. The jar says marinated with garlic or herbs…but I didn’t get either of that in my tasting.

Where things begin to get…not so pleasant. The texture. The texture is sort of chewy and spongey. The first time I tried them I was ok with it, but the second time I had them I was very turned off texturally by the slimy/spongey aspect of it. Not a fan.

Paesana Grilled Mushroom Pieces
Pieces on a plate for your viewing

So….unfortunately, I cannot recommend this Paesana Mushroom Mix. Eaten as they are, the texture was a turn-off for me and there was not a strong enough flavor to save it. I recognize that texture is very personal-taste dependent, so I know that some people might like this type of spongey texture, but I personally don’t. If you know you do, then go try these, if you know you don’t, then definitely don’t.