White Monkey Tea

White Monkey Tea

The White Monkey Tea is actually a green tea and it looks like one with its dark green stands. It has a sort of wet grassy smell. Kind of seaweed like…like the aroma of an aquarium.

As for flavor…well, as usual with many teas, the White Monkey tea gets really bitter after steeping it for awhile, which was not pleasant. The bitterness remained on subsequent steeps. The aftertaste lingered in my mouth. Even when it wasn’t in its bitter phase, it had the same flavor as its smell, maybe a little subtler, which is not my favorite flavor profile.

So I wasn’t blown away by the White Monkey tea. The bitterness really threw me off, but I was able to tolerate it…and then was greeted by super grassy notes that are not too pleasant for me. If that type of grassy flavor is pleasant for you, then try the White Monkey!